Letters of Comfort

My name is Natalia Betzler. I am 16 years old and a junior in high school in the Bay Area, California.
I began volunteering for LITA and Bread and Roses three years ago. Through these organizations I am able to play music for and engage with residents at local assisted living facilities often. I have visited facilities for primarily those with Alzheimer's and Dementia, facilities for developmentally challenged adults, and neurorestorative centers for those with severe brain trauma.
When the COVID-19 pandemic began I was not able to visit these residents and play music for them and I began thinking about how they could not have any visitors. As I was brainstorming ways to connect with the residents I started making sing-along videos for them to watch. However, it wasn't enough. So, I began Letters of Comfort.

Why LOC?
Need Volunteer

Want a Pen

Need a break
from screens?

As our volunteers and program have built, so have our projects. We are teaming up with the Mill Valley School District to create an art drive every other month. Letters of Comfort will be incorporated into art classes and their assignments. We will pick up 500-1000 pieces of artwork from students and deliver them to assisted living facilities. If you are a resident, or work with an assisted living facility that would like to be a part of our program please contact us at: thelettersofcomfort@gmail.com
Not only does Letters of Comfort allow our volunteers to connect with residents at assisted living facilities, but it allows them to take a break from screens and spend time drawing or writing.

At Letters of Comfort we send more than 70 letters each week to facilities across the United States. We hope to create pen pal relationships with these residents and make connections with them. Our goal is to expand and help residents during this time of need.
If you would like to become a member please go to the "Become a Member" page and fill out an application. We would love to hear from you!
